Article Title Author(s) Publication Date
Introduction to electromagnetism algorithm for the examination timetabling problem and comparison of it with other metaheuristicsMajid Salari2006-1
Eddy Current Coupling with Slotted Conductor DiscHamideh Razavi2006-3
Vibration and radial wave propagation velocity in functionally graded thick hollow cylinderSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2006-10
Dynamic response and radial wave propagation velocity in thick hollow cylinder made of functionally graded materialsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2007-5
Transient heat conduction in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders by analytical methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2007-5
Solving the discrete time/resource trade-off problem in project scheduling with genetic algorithmsMohammad Ranjbar2007-8
Coupled thermoelasticity of a functionally graded THICK HOLLOW CYLINDERS (WITHOUT ENERGY DISSIPATION)Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini2007-9
A Search Algorithm for Determination of Economic Order Quantity in a Two--Level Supply Chain System with Transportation CostMohammadali Pirayesh2008-1
Solving the resource availability cost problem in project scheduling by path relinking and genetic algorithmMohammad Ranjbar2008-3
Solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem using filter-and-fan approachMohammad Ranjbar2008-7
An algorithm for the determination of the Economic Order Quantity in a Two-Level Supply Chain with Transportation Costs: comparison of decentralized with centralized decisionMohammadali Pirayesh2008-9
Heat conduction and heat wave propagation in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder base on coupled thermoelasticity without energy dissipationSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2008-10
Dynamic analysis of two-dimensional functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with finite length under impact loadingSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2008-11
A type-2 fuzzy rule-based expert system model for stock price analysisBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2009-1
Introducing a new ordering policy in a two-echelon inventory system with Poisson demandMohammadali Pirayesh2009-1
A hybrid scatter search for the discrete time/resource trade-off problem in project schedulingMohammad Ranjbar2009-2
A Hybrid Scatter Search for the RCPSPMohammad Ranjbar2009-2
Estimating the change point of a normal process mean with a monotonic changeAlireza Shadman2009-2
Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for solubility prediction of carbon dioxide in polymersBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2009-4
Coupled thermoelasticity and second sound in finite length functionally graded thick hollow cylinders (without energy dissipation)Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini2009-6
Designing sustainable recovery network of end-of-life products using genetic algorithmFarzad Dehghanian2009-8
Analytical solution in transient thermo‐elasticity of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders (Pseudo‐dynamic analysis)Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini2009-9
On the Optimal Frequency and Timing of Control Points in a Project Life CycleMajid Salari2009-12
Applying interactive multi objective decission making method in design of a sustainable recovery network to include differnet stakeholders preferencesFarzad Dehghanian2010-1
Data-Driven Fuzzy Modeling for Takagi–Sugeno–Kang Fuzzy SystemBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2010-2
Stochastic dynamic analysis of a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with uncertain material properties subjected to shock loadingSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2010-2
Desulfurization process using Takagi–Sugeno–Kang fuzzy modelingBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2010-3
General analytical solution for elastic radial wave propagation and dynamic analysis of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders subjected to impact loadingSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2010-6
Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Flexible Work Profiles: A Genetic Algorithm ApproachMohammad Ranjbar2010-6
Reliability of stress field in Al–Al2O3 functionally graded thick hollow cylinder subjected to sudden unloading, considering uncertain mechanical propertiesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2010-7
A Variable Neighborhood Search and its Application to a Ring Star Problem GeneralizationMajid Salari2010-8
Displacement time history analysis and radial wave propagation velocity in pressurized multiwall carbon nanotubesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2010-8
Transient and Dynamic Stress Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinder Subjected to Thermal Shock Loading Using an Analytical MethodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2010-8
Variable neighborhood search for the cost constrained minimum label spanning tree and label constrained minimum spanning tree problemsMajid Salari2010-11
A cluster validity index for fuzzy clusteringBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2010-12
A heuristic procedure for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star problemMajid Salari2010-12
An ILP improvement procedure for the Open Vehicle Routing ProblemMajid Salari2010-12
A robust optimization approach to allocation of marketing budgetsHamidreza Koosha2011-1
Two-dimensional dynamic analysis of thermal stresses in a finite-length FG thick hollow cylinder subjected to thermal shock loading using an analytical methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2011-1
Stochastic meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method for thermo-elastic wave propagation analysis in functionally graded thick hollow cylindersSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2011-2
Effects of dimensional parameters and various boundary conditions on axisymmetric vibrations of multi-walled carbon nanotubes using a continuum modelSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2011-7
Meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for coupled thermoelasticity analysis of a functionally graded thick hollow cylinderSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2011-7
An Optimal NPV Project Scheduling with Fixed Work Content and Payment on MilestonesMohammad Ranjbar2011-9
Thermal shock analysis and thermo-elastic stress waves in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders using analytical methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2011-9
Optimization of cutting conditions in WEDM process using regression modelling and Tabu-search algorithmHamideh Razavi2011-10
Transient analysis of thermo-elastic waves in thick hollow cylinders using a stochastic hybrid numerical method, considering Gaussian mechanical propertiesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2011-10
Stochastic Assessment of Thermo-Elastic Wave Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) with Gaussian Uncertainty in Constitutive Mechanical PropertiesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2011-11
A Modified PSO Algorithm for Minimizing the Total Costs of Resources in MRCPSPMohammad Ranjbar2012-1
Multi-mode renewable resource-constrained allocation in PERT networksMohammad Ranjbar2012-1
Rule Base Simplification by Using a Similarity Measures of Fuzzy SetsBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2012-1
A unified formulation for the analysis of temperature field in thick hollow cylinder made of functionally graded materials with various grading patternsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2012-2
An optimal procedure for minimizing total weighted resource tardiness penalty costs in the resource-constrained project scheduling problemMohammad Ranjbar2012-2
Analytical Solution for Thermoelastic Waves Propagation Analysis in Thick Hollow Cylinder Based on Green-Naghdi Model of Coupled ThermoelasticitySeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2012-3
The Generalized Covering Salesman ProblemMajid Salari2012-4
Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness, Earliness, and Transportation Costs in Fuzzy Job Shop Scheduling and Location ProblemMohammadali Pirayesh2012-6
A glance on the effects of temperature on axisymmetric dynamic behavior of multiwall carbon nanotubesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2012-7
An Integer Linear Programming based heuristic for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star ProblemMajid Salari2012-7
Two branch-and-bound algorithms for the robust parallel machine scheduling problemMohammad Ranjbar2012-7
An analytical solution for thermal shock analysis of multiwall carbon nanotubesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2012-8
Introducing roadside hazard severity indicator based on evidential reasoning approachMohammadali Pirayesh2012-8
A Hybrid GRASP Algorithm for Minimizing Total Weighted Resource Tardiness Penalty Costs in Scheduling of Project NetworksMohammad Ranjbar2012-9
A hybrid metaheuristic for concurrent layout and scheduling problem in a job shop environmentMohammad Ranjbar2012-10
A covering tour approach to the location of satellite distribution centers to supply humanitarian aidMajid Salari2012-11
An integer programming-based local search for the covering salesman problemMajid Salari2012-11
Analysis of elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder using a hybrid mesh-free methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2012-11
An exact method for scheduling of the alternative technologies in R&D projectsMohammad Ranjbar2013-1
Simulation and Optimization of Affective Causes on Quality of Electronic ServicesMohammadali Pirayesh2013-1
Memetic and scatter search metaheuristic algorithms for a multiobjective fortnightly university course timetabling problem: a case studyMohammad Ranjbar,Majid Salari2013-2
A branch‐and‐bound algorithm for scheduling of new product development projectsMohammad Ranjbar2013-3
Application of meshless local integrale quations to two dimensional analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion–elasticitySeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2013-3
Shock - induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a thick hollow cylinder without energy dissipation using mesh-free generalized finite difference (GFD) methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2013-3
Response of multiwall carbon nanotubes to impact loadingSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2013-4
A new indirect approach to the type-2 fuzzy systems modeling and designBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2013-5
An efficient approach for unsupervised fuzzy clustering based on grouping evolution strategiesBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2013-5
Stochastic hybrid numerical method for transient analysis of stress field in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders subjected to shock loadingSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2013-5
A complementary tool to enhance the effectiveness of existing methods for heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problemMajid Salari2013-6
Identification and Prioritization of Hazardous Road Location by Segmentation and Data Envelopment Analysis ApproachMohammadali Pirayesh2013-6
Two-dimensional elastic wave propagation analysis in finite length FG thick hollow cylinders with 2D nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2013-6
A path-relinking metaheuristic for the resource leveling problemMohammad Ranjbar2013-7
A Bi-level Programming For Reverse Logistics Network DesignFarzad Dehghanian,Majid Salari2013-11
Elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded nanocomposite reinforced by carbon nanotubes employing meshless local integral equations (LIEs)Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini2013-11
The impact of carbon pricing on a closed-loop supply chain: an Australian case studyFarzad Dehghanian2013-11
Application of a Hybrid Mesh-free Method Based on Generalized Finite Difference (GFD) Method for Natural Frequency Analysis of Functionally Graded Nanocomposite Cylinders Reinforced by Carbon NanotubesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2013-12
Minimizing total weighted late works in the resource-constrained project scheduling problemMohammad Ranjbar2013-12
Customer Lifetime Value: Literature Scoping Map, and an Agenda for Future ResearchHamidreza Koosha2014-1
Stochastic analysis of elastic wave and second sound propagation in media with Gaussian uncertainty in mechanical properties using a stochastic hybrid mesh-free methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2014-1
Application of a hybrid meshless technique for natural frequencies analysis in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder subjected to suddenly thermal loadingSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2014-2
Two dimensional stress wave propagation in finite length FG cylinders with two directional nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2014-3
A new model for robust facility layout problemHossein Neghabi2014-4
An Interdiction Median Model for Hierarchical Capacitated FacilitiesFarzad Dehghanian2014-4
Interdiction problem as a tool to identify an effective budget allocation to quality improvement plansFarzad Dehghanian2014-5
Two dimensional transient analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion-thermoelasticity based on Green-Naghdi theory using meshless local Petrov – Galerkin (MLPG) methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2014-5
An economic policy for noise control in industry using genetic algorithmHamideh Razavi2014-6
Application of a hybrid mesh-free method for shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a layered functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with nonlinear grading patternsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2014-6
Optimizing Noise Control Strategy in a Forging WorkshopHamideh Razavi2014-6
Minimizing the total weighted late work in scheduling of identical parallel processors with communication delaysMohammad Ranjbar,Majid Salari2014-8
The time constrained maximal covering salesman problemMajid Salari2014-8
An iterated local search for the budget constrained generalized maximal covering location problemMajid Salari2014-9
Elastic wave propagation and time history analysis in FG nanocomposite cylinders reinforced by carbon nanotubes using a hybrid mesh-free methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2014-9
Road safety performance evaluation and policy making by data envelopment analysis: A case study of provincial data in IranMohammadali Pirayesh2014-10
Agricultural Management by new Diagnostic of Selling Sulfur Organic Granular FertilizerHamideh Razavi2014-11
The generalized covering traveling salesman problemMajid Salari2014-11
Dynamic Analysis of a Layered Cylinder Reinforced by Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotubes Distributions Subjected to Shock Loading using MLPG MethodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2014-12
Shock-induced molar concentration wave propagation and coupled non-Fick diffusion-elasticity analysis using an analytical methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2014-12
An optimal approach for maximizing the number of adjacencies in multi floor layout problemHossein Neghabi2015-1
Geometrically nonlinear elastodynamic analysis of hyper-elastic neo-Hooken FG cylinder subjected to shock loading using MLPG methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2015-1
Modeling of Glycolysis of Flexible Polyurethane Foam Wastes by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) MethodologyBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2015-3
A meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for nonlinear dynamic analyses of hyper-elastic FG thick hollow cylinder with Rayleigh dampingSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2015-4
Thermoelastic damping in a nonlocal nano-beam resonator as NEMS based on the type III of Green–Naghdi theory (with energy dissipation)Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini2015-4
A bi-objective MIP model for facility layout problem in uncertain environmentHossein Neghabi2015-5
A GRASP algorithm for a humanitarian relief transportation problemMajid Salari2015-5
A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the multi-depot covering tour vehicle routing problemMajid Salari2015-5
A New Model for the Calculation of Customer Life-time Value in Iranian Telecommunication CompaniesHamidreza Koosha2015-5
Carbon pricing versus emissions trading: A supply chain planning perspectiveFarzad Dehghanian2015-6
Allocation of marketing budgets to customer acquisition and retention spending based on decision calculusHamidreza Koosha2015-7
Combining ant colony optimization algorithm and dynamic programming technique for solving the covering salesman problemMajid Salari2015-7
Dynamic Facility Location with Stochastic DemandHamidreza Koosha2015-8
Three Dimensional Natural Frequency Analysis of Sandwich Plates with Functionally Graded Core Using Hybrid Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method and Artificial Neural NetworkSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2015-8
GPSO-LS algorithm for a multi-item EPQ model with production capacity restrictionMohammadali Pirayesh2015-9
A new linear adjacency approach for facility layout problem with unequal area departmentsHossein Neghabi2015-10
Constructing T–S fuzzy model from imprecise and uncertain knowledge represented as fuzzy belief functionsBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2015-10
Customer lifetime valuation using real options analysisHamidreza Koosha2015-10
Two dimensional analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion-elastodynamics problems in functionally graded materials using meshless local Petrov–Galerkin (MLPG) methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2015-10
Maximizing Service Level in a β-robust Job Shop Scheduling ModelMohammad Ranjbar2015-11
A bi-level programming model for protection of hierarchical facilities under imminent attacksFarzad Dehghanian,Majid Salari2015-12
A Change Point Method for Monitoring Generalized Linear Profiles in Phase IAlireza Shadman2015-12
Dynamic Analysis of Cylindrically Layered Structures Reinforced by Carbon Nanotube Using MLPG MethodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2015-12
Large Deformation Hyper-Elastic Modeling for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Two Dimensional Functionally Graded Domains Using the Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) MethodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2015-12
Shock-induced two dimensional coupled non-Fickian diffusion–elasticity analysis using meshless generalized finite difference (GFD) methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2015-12
A Comparison between Static and Dynamic Stability in Postural Sway and Fall RisksHamideh Razavi2016-1
Controlled grafting of vinylic monomers on polyolefins: a robust mathematical modeling approachBabak Rezaee Khabooshan,Alireza Shadman2016-1
An analytical solution for thermoelastic damping in a micro-beam based on generalized theory of thermoelasticity and modified couple stress theorySeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2016-2
A new concept of adjacency for concurrent consideration of economic and safety aspects in design of facility layout problemsHossein Neghabi2016-3
Geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders using total Lagrangian MLPG methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2016-3
Population-based metaheuristics for R&D project scheduling problems under activity failure riskMohammad Ranjbar2016-3
A practical vehicle routing problem with desynchronized arrivals to depotMajid Salari2016-4
A bi-objective model for integrated scheduling of production anddistribution in a supply chain with order release date restrictionsMohammad Ranjbar,Majid Salari2016-7
A hybrid mathematical model for controlling particle size, particle size distribution, and color properties of toner particlesAlireza Shadman2016-7
Prediction and Statistical Control of a Piecewise Linear ProfileHamideh Razavi2016-7
Elastodynamic Analysis of a Hollow Cylinder with Decagonal Quasicrystal Properties: Meshless Implementation of Local Integral EquationsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2016-8
The Effects of Connecting Region Length on the Natural Frequencies of Straight and Non-straight Hetero-junction Carbon NanotubesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2016-8
Generalized coupled non-Fickian/non-Fourierian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis subjected to shock loading using analytical methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2016-10
A change point method for Phase II monitoring of generalized linear profilesAlireza Shadman2017-1
Application of meshless local integral equations for two-dimensional transient coupled hygrothermoelasticity analysis: Moisture and thermoelastic wave propagations under shock loadingSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2017-1
The open vehicle routing problem with decoupling pointsMajid Salari2017-1
Scheduling a constellation of agile earth observation satellites with preemptionMohammad Ranjbar2017-2
Scheduling of loading and unloading operations in a multi stations transshipment terminal with release date and inventory constraintsMohammad Ranjbar2017-2
Determination of the Proper Rest Time for a Cyclic Mental Task Using ACT-R ArchitectureHamideh Razavi2017-3
Green supply chain network design with stochastic demand and carbon priceFarzad Dehghanian2017-3
Modeling and closed‐loop control of particle size and initial burst of PLGA biodegradable nanoparticles for targeted drug deliveryBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2017-5
Constructing an optimal facility layout to maximize adjacency as a function of common boundary lengthHossein Neghabi2017-6
A new direction in design and manufacture of co-sensitized dye solar cells: Toward concurrent optimization of power conversion efficiency and durabilityAlireza Shadman2017-7
Free vibration analysis of dissimilar connected CNTs with atomic imperfections and different locations of connecting regionSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2017-8
Public Transport Fleet Scheduling for Minimizing Total Transfer Waiting TimeMohammad Ranjbar2017-8
Routing and Production Scheduling for a Mobile FactoryMohammadali Pirayesh,Mohammad Ranjbar2017-9
Sample average approximation method for a new stochastic personnel assignment problemMajid Salari2017-9
Shock-induced nonlocal coupled thermoelasticity analysis (with energy dissipation) in a MEMS/NEMS beam resonator based on Green–Naghdi theory: A meshless implementation considering small-scale effectsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2017-9
Solving an extended multi-row facility layout problem with fuzzy clearances using GAHamidreza Koosha2017-9
A fuzzy decision-support system in road safety planningMohammadali Pirayesh2017-10
Shock-induced stochastic dynamic analysis of cylinders made of saturated porous materials using MLPG method: considering uncertainty in mechanical propertiesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2017-12
Two Dimensional Stress and Displacement Wave Propagation Under Shock Loading in Saturated Porous Materials with Two Dimensional Functionally Graded Materails Using MLPG MethodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2017-12
A heuristic method for combined optimization of layout design and cluster configuration in continuous productionsHamideh Razavi2018-1
Fuzzy scheduling of a non-isolated micro-grid with renewable resourcesBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2018-2
Coupled thermoelastic analysis of an FG multilayer graphene platelets-reinforced nanocomposite cylinder using meshless GFD method: A modified micromechanical modelSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2018-3
A goal programming capital budgeting model under uncertainty in Construction industryHamidreza Koosha,Majid Salari2018-4
A robust goal programming model for the capital budgeting problemHamidreza Koosha2018-4
Integration of parts transportation without cross docking in a supply chainMohammad Ranjbar2018-4
Elastodynamic and wave propagation analysis in a FG graphene platelets-reinforced nanocomposite cylinder using a modified nonlinear micromechanical modelSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2018-5
Analytical solution for nonlocal coupled thermoelasticity analysis in a heat-affected MEMS/NEMS beam resonator based on Green-Naghdi theorySeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2018-6
The effects of contractual agreements on the economic production quantity model with machine breakdownFarzad Dehghanian2018-7
Analytical solution for coupled non-Fickian diffusion-thermoelasticity and thermoelastic wave propagation analysisSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2018-8
Emergency service vehicle location problem with batch arrival of demandsFarzad Dehghanian,Mohammadali Pirayesh2018-8
Path following techniques for geometrically nonlinear structures based on Multi-point methodsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2018-8
A Geometrically Non-linear Stochastic Analysis of Two-dimensional Structures made of Neo-hookean Hyperelastic Materials Uusing MLPG Method: Considering Uncertainty in Mechanical PropertiesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2018-9
Tandem organic dye-sensitized solar cells: Looking for higher performance and durabilityAlireza Shadman,Babak Rezaee Khabooshan2018-9
A generalized variable neighborhood search algorithm for the talent scheduling problemMohammad Ranjbar2018-12
Monitoring of linear profiles using generalized likelihood ratio control chart with variable sampling intervaAlireza Shadman2018-12
Axial vibration of hetero-junction CNTs mass nanosensors by considering the effects of small scale and connecting region: An analytical solutionSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2019-1
Improving discriminating power in data envelopment models based on deviation variables frameworkBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2019-1
Lateral vibrations of embedded hetero-junction carbon nanotubes based on the nonlocal strain gradient theory: Analytical and differential quadrature element (DQE) methodsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2019-1
Selective capacitated location-routing problem with incentive-dependent returns in designing used products collection networkFarzad Dehghanian,Majid Salari2019-1
Anisotropic transient thermoelasticity analysis in a two-dimensional decagonal quasicrystal using meshless local Petrov–Galerkin (MLPG) methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2019-2
Limited-stop bus service: A strategy to reduce the unused capacity of a transit networkMajid Salari2019-2
A two-stage stochastic programming approach for a multi-objective course timetabling problem with courses cancelation riskMohammad Ranjbar2019-3
An integrated lot-sizing model with supplier and carrier selection and quantity discounts considering multiple productsBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2019-4
Chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol nanofibrous membranes: towards green super-adsorbents for toxic gasesAlireza Shadman2019-4
Modeling and Optimization of Creep Behavior of Ni-Based Superalloys GTD-111 and IN-738LC Using Central Composite DesignAlireza Shadman2019-4
Statistical models for multi-step-ahead forecasting of fine particulate matter in urban areasMajid Salari,Alireza Shadman2019-5
Time-constrained maximal covering routing problemMajid Salari2019-6
Transshipment scheduling at a single station with release date and inventory constraintsMohammad Ranjbar2019-7
Active tuning and maximization of natural frequency in three-dimensional functionally graded shape memory alloy composite structures using meshless local Petrov–Galerkin methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2019-8
Nonlocal geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of nanobeam using a meshless methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2019-8
A hybrid model for online prediction of PM2.5 concentration: A case studyMajid Salari2019-9
A hybrid mathematical modeling strategy for controlling the mechanical performance of polyethylene/poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)/Nanoclay cast filmsAlireza Shadman2019-10
Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Structures Using Various Higher Order Solution Methods: A Comparative Analysis for Large DeformationSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2019-10
An investigation of the required vigilance for different occupationsHamideh Razavi2019-11
The simultaneous effect of holding safety stock and purchasing policies on the economic production quantity model subject to random machine breakdownFarzad Dehghanian,Mohammadali Pirayesh2019-11
Utilizing renewable energy sources efficiently in hospitals using demand dispatchBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2019-11
Application of hetero junction CNTs as mass nanosensor using nonlocal strain gradient theory: An analytical solutionSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2019-12
BN-SLIM: A Bayesian Network methodology for human reliability assessment based on Success Likelihood Index Method (SLIM)Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini2020-1
Multi-Trip Open Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows: A Case StudyMajid Salari,Mohammad Ranjbar2020-1
Nonlocal coupled thermoelastic wave propagation band structures of nano-scale phononic crystal beams based on GN theory with energy dissipation: An analytical solutionSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2020-1
Optimum design of natural gas trunk line using simulated annealing algorithmHamideh Razavi2020-1
A bi-level model and solution methods for partial interdiction problem on capacitated hierarchical facilitiesFarzad Dehghanian,Majid Salari2020-2
A GN-based modified model for size-dependent coupled thermoelasticity analysis in nano scale, considering nonlocality in heat conduction and elasticity: An analytical solution for a nano beam with energy dissipationSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2020-2
An ensemble multi-step-ahead forecasting system for fine particulate matter in urban areasMajid Salari,Alireza Shadman2020-4
Finding the nearest facility for travel and waiting time in a transport networkMohammadali Pirayesh2020-4
Geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of FG graphene platelets-reinforced nanocomposite cylinder: MLPG method based on a modified nonlinear micromechanical modelSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2020-4
Solution of minimum spanning forest problems with reliability constraintsMajid Salari,Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini2020-4
An Integrated Production-Inventory Model for a Dual-Channel Supply ChainMohammadali Pirayesh,Farzad Dehghanian2020-5
Allocation of marketing budgets to maximize customer equityHamidreza Koosha2020-6
A new model and a Monte Carlo based Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for the stochastic blood assignment problemMohammadali Pirayesh2020-7
Band structure analysis of wave propagation in piezoelectric nano-metamaterials as periodic nano-beams considering the small scale and surface effectsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2020-7
Designing an optimal inventory management model for the blood supply chainFarzad Dehghanian2020-7
Multi-step-ahead prediction of fine particulate matter considering real-time decomposition techniques and uncertainty of input variablesMajid Salari,Alireza Shadman2020-7
An integrated model for customer equity estimation based on brand equityHamidreza Koosha2020-9
A Case Study of Risk Management of Automotive Industry Projects Using RFMEA MethodHamideh Razavi2020-10
A data-based comparison of BN-HRA models in assessing human error probability: An offshore evacuation case studySeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2020-10
Minimizing makespan on a single machine with release dates and inventory constraintsMohammad Ranjbar2020-10
Monitoring linear profiles using Artificial Neural Networks with run rulesAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2020-11
A novel run rules based MEWMA scheme for monitoring general linear profilesAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2020-12
Assessment of the devulcanization process of EPDM waste from roofing systems by combined thermomechanical/microwave proceduresAlireza Shadman2020-12
Nonlocal coupled photo-thermoelasticity analysis in a semiconducting micro/nano beam resonator subjected to plasma shock loading: A Green-Naghdi-based analytical solutionSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2020-12
A variable neighborhood search algorithm for transshipment scheduling of multi products at a single stationMohammad Ranjbar2021-1
Adjustable robust balanced hub location problem with uncertain transportation costHossein Neghabi2021-1
An application of approximate dynamic programming in multi-period multi-product advertising budgetingHossein Neghabi2021-1
Optimal delivery and replenishment policies for perishable products considering lost sale cost: an efficient hybrid algorithmMohammadali Pirayesh2021-1
Run Rules-Based EWMA Charts for Efficient Monitoring of Profile ParametersAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2021-1
Intelligent step-length adjustment for adaptive path-following in nonlinear structural mechanics based on group method of data handling neural networkSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2021-2
A novel dynamic function allocation method in human-machine systems focusing on trigger mechanism and allocation strategyHamideh Razavi2021-3
Maximizing the Net Present Value in Project Scheduling Under Periodic InflationMohammad Ranjbar2021-3
The effect of purchasing strategy on the economic production quantity model subject to random machine breakdownFarzad Dehghanian,Mohammadali Pirayesh2021-3
Analysis of a curved Timoshenko nano-beam with flexoelectricitySeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2021-4
A robust fuzzy optimization approach for reverse logistics network design with buyback offersFarzad Dehghanian2021-5
Hybrid ensemble learning approaches to customer churn predictionHamidreza Koosha2021-5
Optimal location of electronic charity boxes in charity NGOs by proposing a combined mathematical modelMajid Salari2021-5
The comparison of pricing methods in the carbon auction market via multi-agent Q-learningFarzad Dehghanian,Mohammadali Pirayesh2021-5
Human Reliability Analysis for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Process in Emergency Medicine Using a Modified Hybrid Method Based on the Markov Model and Fault Tree AnalysisSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2021-7
Monitoring logistic profiles using variable sample interval approachAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2021-8
Strain gradient and Green–Naghdi-based thermoelastic wave propagation with energy dissipation in a Love–Bishop nanorod resonator under thermal shock loadingSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2021-8
Adpative Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Estimation Propofol dose in the induction phase during anesthesia; case studyHamideh Razavi2021-9
Gaussian thermal shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation in an FG multilayer hybrid nanocomposite cylinder reinforced by GPLs and CNTsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2021-9
Hybrid mathematical modeling and multi‐objective optimization of mechanical properties of green composites based on starch and modified rice straw fillersAlireza Shadman2021-9
Modeling the traffic signal control system at an isolated intersection using queuing systemsMohammadali Pirayesh2021-9
Two-Dimensional Geometrically Nonlinear Hyperelastic Wave Propagation Analysis in FG Thick Hollow Cylinders using MLPG MethodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2021-9
An ANN-based ensemble model for change point estimation in control chartsAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2021-10
Design and development of a fuzzy credibility-based reverse logistics network with buyback offers: A case studyFarzad Dehghanian2021-10
Maximizing the expected net present value in a project with uncertain cash flowsMohammad Ranjbar2021-10
Using evolutionary artificial neural networks in monitoring binary and polytomous logistic profilesAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2021-10
A deep learning approach based on a data-driven tool for classification and prediction of thermoelastic wave’s band structures for phononic crystalsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2021-11
Band structure analysis of Green-Naghdi-based thermoelastic wave propagation in cylindrical phononic crystals with energy dissipation using a meshless collocation methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2021-11
Effects of mento-physical exercises on mental fatigue of shift workHamideh Razavi2021-11
Functional process capability indices for a simple linear profile in fuzzy environmentHamideh Razavi2021-11
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of FG carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposite cylinder with large strains assuming particle/matrix interphase using MLPG methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2021-11
Hierarchical framework for maintenance and production scheduling of continuous ball mills in tile industries under TOU electricity pricingMohammad Ranjbar2021-12
A Clustering-Classification Recommender System based on Firefly AlgorithmHamidreza Koosha2022-1
A Stackelberg game for ordering and pricing policies in a decentralized dual-channel supply chainMohammadali Pirayesh,Farzad Dehghanian2022-1
Developing loss-based functional process capability indices for simple linear profileHamideh Razavi2022-1
Sustainable supplier selection and order allocation under demand, supplier availability and supplier grading uncertaintiesMohammadali Pirayesh2022-1
Buckling analysis of multilayer FG-CNT reinforced nanocomposite cylinders assuming CNT waviness, agglomeration, and interphase effects using the CUF-EFG methodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-2
Enhancing the detection ability of control charts in profile monitoring by adding RBF ensemble modelAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2022-2
Minimizing the total tardiness and the total carbon emissions in the permutation flow shop scheduling problemMohammad Ranjbar2022-2
Thermal shock-induced Moore-Gibson-Thompson generalized coupled thermoelasticity analysis based on the strain gradient Love-Bishop theory in a nanorod resonatorSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-3
A size-dependent differential quadrature element model for vibration analysis of FG CNT reinforced composite microrods based on the higher order Love-Bishop rod model and the nonlocal strain gradient theorySeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-5
Auction design for the allocation of carbon emission allowances to supply chains via multi-agent-based model and Q-learningFarzad Dehghanian,Mohammadali Pirayesh2022-5
Optimization of vibration band-gap characteristics of a periodic elastic metamaterial plateSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-5
A deep learning approach based on the physics-informed neural networks for Gaussian thermal shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a thick hollow cylinder with energy dissipationSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-6
Automated design of phononic crystals under thermoelastic wave propagation through deep reinforcement learningSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-7
Multipoint variable generalized displacement methods: Novel nonlinear solution schemes in structural mechanicsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-7
Optimization of Propofol Dose Estimated During Anesthesia Through Artificial Intelligence by Genetic Algorithm: Design and Clinical AssessmentHamideh Razavi2022-8
Joint Optimization of Multiple Supply Chains Under Cap-And-Trade Regulation: A Bi-Level Programming Model and Solution AlgorithmFarzad Dehghanian,Mohammadali Pirayesh2022-9
An ensemble neural network framework for improving the detection ability of a base control chart in non-parametric profile monitoringAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2022-10
Plasma-affected photo-thermoelastic wave propagation in a semiconductor Love–Bishop nanorod using strain-gradient Moore–Gibson–Thompson theoriesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-10
Sound transmission loss of a novel acoustic metamaterial sandwich panel: Theory and experimentSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-10
Vibration characteristics of irregular plates with a lumped mass: Theory and experimentSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-10
Simultaneous monitoring of mean vector and covariance matrix of auto‐correlated multivariate multiple linear profilesAlireza Shadman2022-11
Band structure analysis of Green-Naghdi thermoelastic wave propagation in a GPLs/CNTs-reinforced metamaterial with energy dissipationSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-12
Bandgap characteristics of a piezoelectric phononic crystal Timoshenko nanobeam based on the modified couple stress and surface energy theoriesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2022-12
Dynamic Discrimination Pricing and Freelance Drivers to Rebalance Mixed-Fleet Carsharing SystemsBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2022-12
Geometrically Non-Linear Vibration and Coupled Thermo-Elasticity Analysis with Energy Dissipation in FG Multilayer Cylinder Reinforced by Graphene Platelets Using MLPG MethodSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2023-1
Inventory management of manufacturers with yield uncertainty and lateral transshipmentMohammadali Pirayesh,Farzad Dehghanian2023-1
Stochastic green profit-maximizing hub location problemHossein Neghabi,Majid Salari2023-2
The novel PINN/gPINN-based deep learning schemes for non-Fickian coupled diffusion-elastic wave propagation analysisSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2023-2
Combination of Sequential Sampling Technique with GLR Control Charts for Monitoring Linear Profiles Based on the Random Explanatory VariablesAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2023-3
Monitoring simple linear profiles in the presence of within‐ and between‐profile autocorrelationAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2023-4
Product safety assessment in a dairy dual-channel supply chain using game theoryMohammad Ranjbar2023-4
Employing evolutionary artificial neural network in risk-adjusted monitoring of surgical performanceAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2023-5
Minimizing the Expected Renewable Resource Costs in a Project with Stochastic Resource AvailabilityMohammad Ranjbar2023-5
Energy-aware production scheduling in the flow shop environment under sequence-dependent setup times, group scheduling and renewable energy constraintsMohammad Ranjbar2023-6
Effects of strain gradient on Moore-Gibson-Thompson generalized coupled non-fickian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis in a Love-Bishop nanorod resonator: A size dependent meshless implementationSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2023-7
Investigation of the ordering behavior of a retailer in the revenue sharing and buyback contracts considering round number biasHamideh Razavi2023-7
Operational planning of vehicles for rescue and relief operations considering the unavailability of the relocated vehiclesMajid Salari2023-8
A logic-based Benders decomposition algorithm for a repair crew routing and drone scheduling problem after a natural disasterMohammad Ranjbar,Majid Salari2023-9
A reinforcement learning algorithm for scheduling parallel processors with identical speedup functionsMohammad Ranjbar2023-9
A two-step scheduling and rescheduling framework for integrated production and usage-based maintenance planning under TOU electricity tariffs: A case study of the tile industryMohammad Ranjbar2023-9
Process capability analysis for simple linear profilesHamideh Razavi2023-9
A location-inventory-distribution model under gradual injection of pre-disaster budgets with application in disaster relief logistics: a case studyMajid Salari,Hossein Neghabi2023-10
A gradient-enhanced physics-informed neural network (gPINN) scheme for the coupled non-fickian/non-fourierian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis: A novel gPINN structureSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2023-11
A new method based on ensemble time series for fast and accurate clusteringHamideh Razavi2023-11
A New Vendor-Managed Inventory Model by Applying Blockchain Technology and Considering Environmental ProblemsFarzad Dehghanian2023-11
Reliability optimization model in man‐machine systems considering human factors in uncertain situationsHamideh Razavi2023-11
The modified CUF-EFG method for the dynamic analysis of GPLs-CNTs-reinforced FG multilayer thick cylindrical shells under shock loadings: A modified meshless implementationSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2023-11
Effectiveness of Gait Training Using Dynamic Bodyweight Support System on Locomotor Abilities of Ambulatory Children With Different Neural DisordersAlireza Shadman2023-12
A Bilevel Model for Carbon Pricing in a Green Supply Chain Considering Price and Carbon-Sensitive DemandFarzad Dehghanian2023-12
Solution of a practical vehicle routing problem for monitoring water distribution networksMajid Salari2023-12
Stochastic regional-based profit-maximizing hub location problem: A sustainable overviewHossein Neghabi,Majid Salari2023-12
A new vendor-managed inventory four-tier model based on reducing environmental impacts and optimal suppliers selection under uncertaintyFarzad Dehghanian2024-1
Analytical Expressions for Similarity Measure Between Gaussian Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets With Uncertain MeansBabak Rezaee Khabooshan2024-1
Developing of an asset/liability allocation model for banksMohammadali Pirayesh2024-1
Effects of the strain gradients on the band structures of the elastic waves propagating in 1D phononic crystals: An analytical approachSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2024-1
Application of the CUF–EFG method for buckling analysis of the multilayer GPLs–CNTs-reinforced FG plates with cutoutSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2024-2
Supply chain behaviour under carbon regulations: an experimental study with system dynamic simulationFarzad Dehghanian2024-2
Evolutionary support vector regression for monitoring Poisson profilesAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2024-3
Non-Fourier heat conduction in 2D thermal metamaterialsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2024-3
A new modified deep learning technique based on physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for the shock-induced coupled thermoelasticity analysis in a porous materialSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2024-4
Initial load factor adjustment through genetic algorithm for the generalized displacement control method: Implementation on non-rigid origami analysisSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2024-5
Optimal resource allocation and routing in robotic mobile fulfillment systemsMohammad Ranjbar2024-5
Modeling residential photovoltaic adoption: A system dynamics approach for solar energy expansionFarzad Dehghanian2024-6
Shallow vs. Deep Learning Models for Groundwater Level Prediction: A Multi-Piezometer Data Integration ApproachAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2024-6
Nonlocal strain gradient-based nonlinear vibration analysis of nonlinear FG three-phase HJCNT/MWCNT/epoxy composite microbeam resonators using a modified micromechanical modelSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2024-8
پیش‌بینی شیوه تمین مالی استارتاپ‌ها با استفاده از الگوریتم‌های یادگیری ماشین و درنظرگرفتن سوگیری‌های رفتاریHamideh Razavi2024-8
Energy-aware flow shop scheduling with uncertain renewable energyMohammad Ranjbar2024-10
Joint determination of purchasing and production lot sizes in an unreliable production systemFarzad Dehghanian,Mohammadali Pirayesh2024-10
The assignment of project managers to projects in an uncertain dynamic environmentHamidreza Koosha,Mohammad Ranjbar2024-10
Dynamic soft-kill weapon-target assignment in naval environmentsMohammad Ranjbar2024-11
Non-Fourier thermal focusing by gradient thermal metamaterials based on the Cattaneo–Vernotte modelSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2024-11
The modified physics-informed neural network (PINN) method for the thermoelastic wave propagation analysis based on the Moore-Gibson-Thompson theory in porous materialsSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2024-11
User preferences in ride-sharing mathematical models for enhanced matchingHamidreza Koosha2024-11
Optimal scheduling of smart home appliances with a stochastic power outage: A two-stage stochastic programming approachMohammad Ranjbar2024-12
A new coupled meshless method based on the CUF and MLPG method for dynamic analysis of thick multilayer FG GPLs-CNTs reinforced composite platesSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2025-1
A weather station selection method based on the simulated annealing algorithm for electric load forecastingMajid Salari,Alireza Shadman2025-1
Porosity Effects on the Band Structures of the Thermoelastic Wave Propagation in Porous Metamaterials: An Analytical ApproachSeyed Mahmoud Hosseini2025-1
An integrated change point detection and online monitoring approach for the ratio of two variables using clustering-based control chartsAli Yeganeh,Alireza Shadman2025-2
10 عضو هیات علمی
6 دانش آموخته
27 دانشجوی دکترا
94 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد
238 دانشجوی کارشناسی